Thursday, October 06, 2005

Bowling news and a little poker:

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Last night was my Wednesday night bowling league. We have a kick ass team on Wednesdays. Just the perfect combination of talent and handicap :) I fall in the latter with a few displays of talent every now and again.

We started the night in first place by 2 points (1 game). Behind us was a clusterfuck of about 4 teams. 2 of them were 2 points behind. A few others were 4 or 6. The most points you can win in a week are 8. You bowl 3 games. Each game you win nets you 2 points. The other 2 points go to the team with the most pins for all 3 games.

So off we go with game #1. I threw like shit in practice and wasn't prepared. Somehow I composed myself and threw a strike in the 1st 3 frames. I opened the 4th, but spared in the 5th and struck in the 6th. I pretty much just blew up from there only ending the game with a 162. Do you believe that shit?

Game #2 got even worse. I bowled like a pure ass for a 139. Bleh. My average on Wednesday nights is 171. So in game #3, I decided to turn it up a notch and actually knock down a few pins. I started out decent with some spares. Then I struck in 5 straight frames. I had a chance to finish with a 247 I believe. However, I fucked it up in the 10th and ended up with a 214. That gave me a series of 515. Which is an average of 171.667. Just above my average.

Anyway, we ended up taking 6 out of 8 possible points last night. While the 2nd place teams lost all 8 of their points. We go in to last week of the first quarter with a pretty comfortable lead. We don't blow up next week, we're in the playoffs at the end of the season for the championship. Personally, I'd like to win all 4 quarters because you get paid some many dollars per point at the end of the season too. That would be a VERY nice payout.

I'd also like to congratulate my teamate Moose for bowling a 286 last night. He ripped shit loose in game #1. He threw a 9 spare in the first frame. Then threw 10 straight strikes and finished with a 6 count for a 286. Add in his handicap and that's a 313 handicap score. Enough to put him on top of the high scratch game and high handicap game scoreboards. Because of that game, we just missed beating the high handicap score for a team by 6 pins. We got 2nd though.

On to poker. I played just under 400 hands yesterday. I ran good during those hands. Something along the lines of 17BB/100. I would have liked to played more, but I was getting pretty tired and ready for bed.

Tonight, I'll get a little more poker played. I need to go grocery shopping after work, but after that I figure I'll play a little poker while watching the Braves game.

Posted by Predator314 at 5:50 AM  


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