Thursday, August 18, 2005
OK. I'm never bragging again. No matter how good I run. It's just a jinx to brag in your blog about how good you are running.
Since my last post, I've lost over 100BBs. I'm still immune to losing that kind of money. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I just get pissed when I get dealt Q4 offsuit for the 15th straight time. Then when I do get AK, the flop misses me then I get check-raised. Decent enough hand to steal a blind? Raise it up. Uh oh, Small blind wakes up with Aces. Oh yeah, the last 2 times I've had pocket kings, I've had to lay them down on the turn. Brutal.
At least I'm close to breaking even with my rake rebate. Thank the Good Lord that rake rebates and bankroll management.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
I have been bitten... again. Bitten by the poker bug. In one of my previous posts, I was talking about wanting to get 5000 hands in this month. That was a very low number, but I thought with my extra curricular activities and vacation and all that during August, 5000 would be pushing it. Well, I'm way over 5000 hands so far. All I want to do is play poker.
I have been running pretty well too. I spent most of my time on the $3/6 6 max tables. I have been playing no more than 2 of those tables at a time. Most of the time, it's been a single table just trying to get back in the swing of things. I had one horrible session yesterday on those tables, where I dropped quite a bit. However, it took about 30 minutes this morning to get it back when I hit a big rush.
When I'm not into the 6 max game, I have been playing 4 tables of $2/4. I don't know why I'm playing $2/4. I just "felt it" as David Williams would say. I've put up decent numbers on those tables as well.
Some things I need to work on:
1.) It seems like every time I get on a rush and then things level off, I'm anxious to get off the table and protect my win. I need to just play my hands and let things happen.
2.) I need to take better notes on players. Especially in the 6 max games. I'm using Poker Tracker (not to the fullest extent) and GameTime+. But they just give you numbers. They don't show patterns on certain players.
I'll probably get a good amount of hands played today. This evening, it's the start of our Wednesday night bowling league. I'm bowling on Monday's and Wednesday's now. Our Monday night team is really good. Plus it's a league full of older people that take the game very seriously. We are all younger guys. I think I'm the oldest on the team at 27. We absolutely dominated the team we played Monday night. I hope all goes well tonight. We should be pretty strong on Wednesday's too.
Monday, August 15, 2005
I had $1500 set aside for a "rainy" day. It's just been collecting interest for a couple months. I decided to take my "rainy day" money and put it back into my bankroll. I did this for a couple reasons. 1.) I figured that I can make a better rate on that $1500 playing poker than the 3% it was making right now. 2.) It's really just mad money I would have ended up blowing sooner or later. I already had a notion to use it for some new rims for my truck. 3.) I love the juicyness of the .50/1.00 games, but having a 25BB night sounds a whole lot better when 25BBs is equal to $150 as opposed to $25.
So I added that $1500 into my bankroll, bringing the roll up over $2000. My main computer had a keyboard problem, so I played two tables of $3/6 last night on my laptop. I didn't really run too well, but I played pretty solid. However, I lost somewhere around $50.
Some things I plan to do tonight. Get my Poker Tracker udpated to the newest version. I also fixed my keyboard issue, so I can 4 table the $3/6 tonight and hopefully clear my IGM-Pay bonus which I never cleared.
Since the month is new. I'm going to go ahead and set some goals for the month.
1.) I want to play 5000 hands. This isn't a whole lot, but it's still summer time, plus I'll be on vacation all next week with no access to running water, much less online poker.
2.) Maintain a 2BB/100 or better rate over those 5000 or more hands. Which really is only about $600, but I also get rakeback. I was at almost a 3BB/100 rate a few months ago at the $3/6 level over about 100,000 hands. I'd like to be closer to that since that is $900 over 5000 hands.
3.) Stay away from the tournaments. I love these things. However, I went a little crazy in a Poker Stars rebuy tournament the other day and pretty much blew some extra tournament bucks I could have used in regular sit n goes. Tournaments are -EV for me.
I hope to play quite a bit of poker tonight. I'll have the good old Dell 2001FP to play with. 4 tables, no overlap. It's quite a sweet setup.
Current Mood: productive
Current Music: Stevie Ray Vaughan