Friday, December 16, 2005

I still have not played any poker. I just don't have the urge to play. That's a good thing about no being a pro. I can take extended breaks when I'm burnt out and not have to worry about it. It just means less of my real paycheck that I can save.

So, I've been occupying my time by playing video games, bowling, and work.

Bowling is starting to irritate me. I strained my ring finger sometime around Thanksgiving. I think I did it while practicing bowling one day. Over the next few weeks, it grew to about twice its normal size. Of course, my finger wouldn't fit into my balls (that sounds good doesn't it?), so, I was basically just bowling with my thumb and pointer finger. That doesn't help the average at all. My average has dropped 7 pins in the past 8 weeks or so. Not entirely the fault of my injured finger, but it doesn't help.

So anyway, the finger is getting back into shape again. It's almost back to its normal size. I still didn't bowl for shit on Wednesday. I think I put up something like 193, 145, 159 or sometthing like that. 3 days before that while practicing, I played 8 games and 7 of them were over 200.

Bowling is just weird like that. Some days your body will cooperate and throw the ball in the right direction and let it come off your hand consistently. Some days, you just feel like a retard. So, in many ways, it's similar to poker.

As for video games. I'm not a huge gamer. I do own all the consoles except the 360, which I'm sure I'll own before too long. I'm one of those leisure gamers that will pick up a game, not finish it, go buy another game. However, one genre of game has held my attention over the years. Plain and games. I've played NCAA 06 on the PS2 until my fingers couldn't take it anymore. I'm talking season after season after season with my WVU franchise.

So I purchased Madden 06 the other day for the Xbox. I chose the Xbox version because you could actually play this one over Live and also because the Xbox has a hard drive. Enuff said. Initially, I thought Madden sucked. I liked the idea of the quarterback field vision. However, I just couldn't get the AI set up the way I wanted. It seemed like no matter what I did, it was either way too easy or way too hard. So I was just about to give up and go back to NCAA.

Fortunately, I was able to find some sliders on's boards that are fantastic. They actually used the Pro level which I never even dreamed of doing because it was too easy. However, after I applied these sliders to my franchise, I'm now 3-5 in my season using the Falcons. All of the games have been decided by less than 2 touchdowns. The stats are very realistic too. These sliders revived the game for me. I like the accelerated clock feature in Madden too.

I don't have much in store for this weekend or even for the remainder of the year. Tonight, I'm going to try to find some Christmas gifts. I haven't bought a single thing yet. I'll probably spend a good amount of time playing Xbox. I just began playing Jade Empire, so I'll probably spend a couple hours on that anyway. I might even throw in a Madden game or 2.

Posted by Predator314 at 6:39 AM 0 comments  

Monday, December 12, 2005

I haven't posted in a while, so I thought I would put a small update.

I have been staying away from the poker tables lately. I just don't have the patience for it right now. I have, however, sit down for a couple short 100+ hand sessions. Nothing much as far as results though.

I figure I'll keep with the breather until after the Holidays.

I have spent most of my free time playing video games. As you know, I had been abusing my fingers by playing Mario Kart: DS. Well, after getting the thing online, I've come to the conclusion that I suck at the game.

So I went out and bought Animal Crossing for the DS. It's a cute/fun game, but I don't see me playing it for a long time.

So yesterday, I went to EB Games to take advantage of their buy 2 get 1 free used games sell. I bought 3 Xbox games. I ended up choosing Madden 2006, Jade Empire, and Forza Motorsport. I also went to Roanoke, VA yesterday with my parents to do some Christmas shopping. So I only got to play one game of Madden.

Tonight, I'll probably donate a few wins to some lucky online Madden players via Xbox Live. I wasn't even aware Madden 2006 had online play on the Xbox. So, if you have Live and Madden, look for TitliestProV1 (yes Titleist is spelled wrong... I'm a game donkey). I'm sure I'll be on Forza some also, however, it might be a while before it gets any attention.

After Christmas, I'm gonna buy a new TV. I'll probably never get to play poker again :)

Lastly, I've decided to cancel the essay contest. Too much shit going on with the holidays and not enough interest. So, if you have already sent an essay, I apologize. I'll try to find a way to make it up to you.

Posted by Predator314 at 8:41 AM 0 comments