Thursday, December 29, 2005
Another personal post on this site, just to remind everyone that I'm not dead yet. I'm not broke yet either.
I've played very little poker lately. What little I have played has been shitty. It all just seems like work still, so I'll continue with the break until poker becomes fun again.
I had a pretty good Christmas this year. This was the first Christmas in a long time where I really had no idea what I was getting. I turned out getting some good stuff. Some things I got were: Canon PowerShot SD400 Camera with a photo printer, some much needed household items like sheets (flannel!) and curtains, some cool dishes with Pool Balls on them (tacky, but right up my alley) and matching coasters, a bunch of clothes.
I spent Christmas Eve with my parents at their house. My cousin from Tennessee came in for a while. My brother, sister-in-law, and nephew visited for a while. I also slept at my parents house Christmas Eve night.
On Christmas day, we opened our packages and had a nice breakfast. Then we went to my uncle's house for dinner. Spent most of the day relaxing watching football and also ripping shit loose on my uncle's pinball machine.
The pinball machine was a bad idea. I used to spend $50-100/week playing pinball back in my high school days when I hung out at the pool hall all the time. They used to give prizes for the high score each week and some of my buddies and I always had a pinball rivalry going on trying to win the prize. Now I want a pinball machine for my place. The problem is that they are expensive and sometimes high maintenance. I'm going to try to buy my uncle's since he rarely uses it and both his kids are off in school. He's also well aware that his particular machine is going for around $2000 on ebay.
New Years
I'm still not sure what I'm doing on New Years. I'd really like to do something different. Last year, I got hammered at a party one of my friends threw. It was a good time. I would throw a party, but where I live, we have pretty strict ordinances on parties and noise. That's one of the reasons I chose the place. Even then, I still don't have the parking for a good party.
So I will probably end up at a bar somewhere, putting up with hundreds of drunk pricks. I really hate bars anymore. I guess I'm just old. If I get drunk, which is very possible, then there is always the possibility of getting into a fight because the common loud mouth drunk annoys the shit out of me. I don't get mouthy when I get drunk... just a bit on the horny side. Which also leads to its own set of problems.
Other random stuff
Since I'm not playing much poker, I'm still spending some of my spare time with my Xbox playing Madden 2006. It's a very fun game now that I've got all the settings the way I want. All my games against the CPU are very close. I still get my ass handed to me online though. I suck.
I've also been playing a lot of guitar lately. I spent all evening yesterday playing my acoustic. I like playing my acoustic more than my electric guitar. For starters it's a better guitar. It's a Tak EF341SC. The same model Springsteen and Toby Keith play. Pretty quality. It's not a Martin, but for the price (around $700 I think), you can't beat it. I'm having some troubles with my Electric though. It's an Agile AL2800. Just a Korean Made Les Paul knockoff. It was actually a decent guitar when I got it, but now I'm having issues with the cheap electronics and it staying in tune. I don't play the electric much anyway, but I'm putting aside some money for this:
It's a beautiful guitar and not very expensive at around $600 after shipping online. It also comes with the SD JB/59 pickup set which I would probably put in any guitar I buy anyway. My friend has the same guitar except he got the one with a natural wood finish and EMG pickups. I'll probably get one of these as soon as I feel my skills are worthy of an upgrade.
Also, there has been quite a few news items that have just pushed my buttons lately.
1.) The RIAA is back at again, shutting down sites with guitar tablature on them. Now I can see them getting upset at the piracy of mp3's. I mean, we are taking money out of their greedy little pockets. However, guitar tabs are usually not the correct way to play a song anyway. Plus, if I learn a song by ear and write it down so other's can learn it to, how the fuck have I stole anything from them? There has to be a line drawn somewhere and I think that line should have been drawn way the fuck back in the Napster/Metallica days. If we keep letting them push us around, soon, you won't be able to sing in the shower without getting fined.
2.) This is a local story. So if you live in WV or drive through WV for any reason, listen up. The WV turnpike has always had toll boothes as long as I can remember. The tolls were $1.25 for a passenger car and $5 for trucks. Starting January 1, the tolls will rise to $2.00 for cars, $7.00 for trucks. That's a 60% increase folks. It will cost me $12 in fares to drive 1.5 hours to the state capital and back home. It costs a tractor trailer $42 to make the same drive. Nobody voted on this except for the dumbass politicians in charleston. And none of them are owning up to voluntarily voting for it. So why the fuck are they continuing with the increase if nobody voted on it and everyone is against it? Somebody is lying my friends. I've sent emails to the governor, the parkways authority, and to anyone else that might listen. They keep taxing and taxing and then wonder why more businesses won't come to WV. I live close to the VA border and I know of quite a few companies in the area that has jumped the border into Virginia just to avoid the excessive taxes. Everyone I talk to complains about these taxes. SO WHY THE FUCK DO YOU KEEP VOTING FOR THESE COCKSUCKERS?
Ok, I've vented. Y'all have a nice New Year. I leave you with some pics taken from my new digital camera:
Me - unshaved
Me - shaved
My pussy - unshaved