Wednesday, October 19, 2005

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Not really much to report. Yesterday, I had that no-sugar hangover I've been expecting. I felt pretty bad all day long. I think I've slept it off. I feel much better today.

As a result of me not feeling well, I played minimal poker yesterday, but had a very good day. I played a little under 300 hands of $2/4 6 max on Stars and racked up. I also played a $16 turbo sit n go on stars while I was waiting for the new WSOP Main Event show to come on and placed 3rd in it.

I got rivered pretty badly in the sit n go. I was the short stack and was dealt QJsuited on the button. I raise. Cold called by the big blind. Flop was Q,3,x. I push, he calls with A-3 offsuit. Turn rag. River... fuckin' 3.

I watched the WSOP shows last night. Nothing too interesting. Phil is pure entertainment though. The AK hand was pure fucking genius entertainment. "HOW MANY PEOPLE IN THE WORLD CAN MAKE THAT LAYDOWN?". LOL. You the man Phil, you the man. I also caught myself chanting "throw a jack dealer, throw a jack!" when he had the AK vs KJ. How does this prick not get his ass beat? Phil, you're a weak/tight entertainment genius. Keep it up.

I think Marcel Luske is one of my favorite players to watch on TV. His whole attitude about life and poker is just too damn cool. I bet he gets all the pussy back in Amsterdam. Doesn't even have to pay for it! He played some very good poker yesterday in my opinion.

I was suprised X22 didn't get more airtime than what he did. The man is dangerous. It looked like he had a monster chipstack. I think I would have made the same play against Phil with that chipstack. Off course, had the tides been reversed, Phil would have cold called and checked in the dark. I like watching X22 or whatever the fuck his name is. I just wish he would fix that damn nose. It looks like a monkey hung from it for a year or so.

Another thing I've done the past 2 nights is watch a little bit of Live @ The Bike. This is pure fucking genius as well. No soap opera 30 minute timeouts because Matusow said "Fuck". Just pure cash game. It is well done with commentary and hole card cams. I think it said that tonight will be a $5000 mininum buy in game. A game regularly played by Jerry Buss. I'll be tuned in tonight after my bowling league.

In preparation for the Blogger tournament this week, I'm going to work on my no limit tournament game for the remainder of the week. I'll probably play some regular and turbo sit n goes on Poker Stars. I'll probably even play a few mult-table sit n goes. I'm going to work on maintaing focus and spend the "down" time takign notes on everyone at my table. Hopefully I can make this a habit.

That's all I got for now. Keep 'er cool!

Posted by Predator314 at 5:23 AM  


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