Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Poker is wearing me out lately. It seems like every time I turn around, I'm in the middle of a downswing. My buddy list has grown astronomically lately with all the retards I've found at my tables. Table selection is not a problem. Beating these fucks is a problem.

Here's an example:

Party Poker 3/6 Hold'em (6 max, 6 handed) converter

Preflop: Hero is UTG with Ah, As.

Hero raises, MP calls, 3 folds, BB calls.

Flop: (6.33 SB) Qd, 2h, Jd (3 players)

BB checks, Hero bets, MP calls, BB folds.

Turn: (4.16 BB) 2d (2 players)

Hero bets, MP raises, Hero calls.

River: (8.16 BB) Kh (2 players)

Hero checks, MP bets, Hero calls.

Final Pot: 10.16 BB

Results in white below:

Hero has Ah As (two pair, aces and twos).

MP has 5d 4d (flush, queen high).

Outcome: MP wins 10.16 BB.

This retard owned me over and over, then proceeded to dump off all my money to the others at the table. Meanwhile, I stand by helpless as I get dealt 62 offsuit 100 times in a row.

All is not bad, looking back so far this month, I've somehow grinded a $500 profit. Add another $700 of rakeback and I'm looking decent for the month. It's not quite enough to cover all my expenses, but it's close. My poker profits will cover my loan payment, electricity, water, cable, and insurance. That just really leaves my truck which I'll pay out of my regular paycheck.

I can't wait to start playign the $3/6 6 max full time. The players at this game are horrid. So are the suckouts though. I have to be convservative with the bankroll if I'm going to use it to pay bills. So I'll hold off until I have about 500 or 600 BBs for that game. Maybe next month.

I'm also so damn due for a rush, it's unbelievable. I've had some decent days and some mediocre days, but still have yet to have that day where the deck smacks me in the side of the head. Back in the good old days, it seemed like I had one of those days a week. Maybe I'm just saving them up so that I have a whole month like that. Yeah right.

Posted by Predator314 at 6:47 AM  


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