Monday, September 26, 2005
I really need to work on my tourney game. I played a bunch of tournaments this weekend and only cashed in one. I realized, that I'm a horrible player in these tournaments. I can't make a decent laydown. Every tournament seems to have the same story: I chip up nicely in the beginning. I get about midway in the tournament and donk off ALL my chips in one hand.
So, I re-evaluated my game and played the $5000 guaranteed on Empire last night. I made some pretty good laydowns (I think). These types of folds I made, would never had been made prior to yesterday. I don't have the exact hands because I'm here at work, but there is one hand that really left a bad taste in my hand when I laid it down.
Anyway, I ended up cashing for a small amount, placing 19th out of 200+. I probably should have been deeper, but I took a couple bad beats including one hideous one where I called a short stack's all in with A10 and he had Q10. He ended up making a king high straight on the river to beat me. The final hand, I was in the big blind. A big stack limped from middle/late position. All folded to me. I pushed with AQ and he thought and finally called with 44. The cards brought me no help, and I lost the race.
I also played some $2/4 over the weekend too. I made a nice score Friday night and then a decent score on Saturday afternoon which pretty much broke me even with my tournament play that day. Then yesterday, I lost a bit on the $2/4 tables, while pretty much breaking even on my tournaments.
Which brings me to tonight. I think I'm gonna play some $2/4 up until around 9:00 when I will enter the $10,000 guaranteed on Empire.