Thursday, September 01, 2005

I didn't play a lot of poker yesterday, but the little bit I did play was pretty profitable. I still haven't experienced that nice rush that I've been expecting. I checked poker tracker it showed me making 3.05BB/100 last week which is fine by me if I can keep it up in the long run. That would be approximately $73/hour plus rakeback at the $3/6 6 max tables. That's a lot more than my job pays.

The reason I didn't play a lot yesterday was because Wednesday night was my bowling league. I have just enough time to change clothes when I get home from work, then I have to head out to get there about 10 minutes before we start. This gives me time to get my balls out (heh) and put my shoes on and maybe thrown a practice ball or 2. We won 6 out of a possible 8 points yesterday. We have done that all 4 weeks. That puts us in 2nd place.

Once I finished bowling, I grabbed a bite to eat and headed home for some poker goodness. Bah! I was getting beat to death at the beginning. Then I had to sit and fold forever because I was getting absolutely zero playable cards. The good hands I did get I usually had to fold including JJ, QQ twice, and KK. One other time, I got impatient and check called JJ all the way down on a A,K,x board and hit a J on the river for a nice suckout. It was against a LAG, so I could justify the calldown, but he did have the goods that time (AQ I think).

I guess I outlasted the variance monster, because after a while, I went on a mad rush to end the session up somewhere around 25BBs.

Tonight, I'm back on the $3/6 tables. I think I'm going to go to 3 tabling them since I've got a bit of a cushion in my Empire account right now. I won't have to make a deposit if things go bad.

I'm going to try to get a lot of hands played tonight. This might be the last chance for a week or 2 because I'm moving next week.

Posted by Predator314 at 11:04 AM  


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