Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Self doubt...

Oh man, I've been running bad this week. It seems like every time I sit down, I lose a buy-in within the first 10 minutes. There's only so many times your AK gets cracked by AQ before you start doubting yourself. As I was just typing this my AK just lost to A7 when he turned 2 pair.

It's hard not to go on tilt. I keep telling myself that things will turn around. I'm not getting mad. I just get the big question in my head: "Maybe I'm not as good as I think I am?". Pokertracker backs me up. However, the short term results are ruling my thoughts and I cannot make them stop.

However, I've had the best cards during this streak. I've had 2 straight flushes, a royal flush, and quads twice. It seems like I've had AA and KK a bunch of times, however KK never seems to win. How the fuck do you lose with these cards?

Enough with the whining. I've spent the past few days playing poker, going out with friends, and bowling. I'm about to purchase a home. I need poker to start going my way so I can pay some bills.

In looking back at the last 8,000 or so hands I've played this month, my aggression level has risen way up. My pre-flop raise percentage has gone way up. Even in the full table games. However, it seems like a lot of my flops are missing and I can't tell when to back off.

I think I'm going to tighten up just a bit and back off the post flop aggression at least until some flops start hitting.

Posted by Predator314 at 8:01 AM  


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