Monday, November 28, 2005

Neteller sucks ass. I tried to make my monthly cash out and when I logged in, it told me my account has been closed for "certain circumstances". So I call them and have to listen to someone ask me a bunch of questions in Engrish. Apparently, they detected my failed attempt at making a new account and closed the old one.

My downswing continues. It's a little frustrating to get check-raised on the turn when somebody picks up a gutshot straight draw and then hits their 4 outter on the river. However, the conservative bankroll approach really keeps me off tilt. I have, however, completely busted out in my UB account. That's with over $140 left in bonus money to clear. I'll probably reload and finish it off sometime. UB is starting to suck since they introduced Royal Holdem. I can't find a regular game during off-peak hours.

I'm going to try and play some hands tonight, but I'm not sure how much I'll get accomplished. I have some chores and errands to run. However, I had almost gotten back into watching wrestling, but its starting to suck again, so chances are I'll get to play some poker.

In Christmas related news, I keep thinking of new shit I want and nobody can afford. I do have one of the items on my list coming. My parents ordered it for me. It's the new Hammer Hawg Wild bowling ball.

Just for fun, here's my Christmas list of shit I can't afford and nobody will buy me:

1.) Miniature Pinscher
2.) 50" Samsung DLP HDTV (I bought one of these a year ago for my folks, awesome TV)
3.) Xbox 360
4.) New Computer
5.) Wireless Router
6.) Hammer Viscious Pearl bowling ball (these things are discontinued and I can't find one, not even on ebay)
7.) Surround Sound System
8.) Dishwasher... She could be blonde, burnette, or red head. I don't care :)
9.) Lawn Mower and weed eater. I don't really want them, but need them.
10.) New Dodge Ram with Sport Appearance package
11.) New Pontiac GTO

I think of new shit and forget old shit every day. Out of the entire list, I expect to get get zero items.

Posted by Predator314 at 11:47 AM  


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